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Foundation of Information System-DQ

Foundation of Information System-DQ

Q Knowledge Management Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems are increasingly be utilized by various part of organizations. Pick a company and research the KMS, AI and ES systems they utilize in their company. List the systems they use Choose one from your list and describe the details on: • Why (the Purpose) • What Intelligence does it supply to the company • How it works • Results for the company • What else you think the company could use could to help with for the company.

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I have chosen Tesla for this post. Tesla is a pioneer on the autonomous car industry and has used the updated AI system and expert system in their cars. In general, it can be said that a autonomous car is a vehicle that can be run without the human assistance. In general, there are five phases of automation for the self-driving cars. In the level one, an Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) would help the human driver, whether in level 5, an Automated Driving System (ADS) does all the driving related works in all circumstances without using any human assistance (Rouse, 2018).